
My Favorite Chair

Uncategorized Mar 28, 2014

I’m a bit of a snob. I don’t just like nice things, I like the best things. That’s not to say I spend extravagantly or throw my money around, it’s just that when presented with buying a good product or saving my money a little longer and buying a better constructed, great product, I’ll usually pick the great product. It’s…

Importing Jekyll Posts into WordPress

Uncategorized Mar 21, 2014

Nearly four years ago I switched my main site over to Jekyll. It’s been great. But late last year I decided to make that site and its blog purely about my software business and move all of my non-work posts over to my domain so I could have a personal site again. To encourage myself to write more, I…

Switching from GitHub to GitLab

Uncategorized Mar 19, 2014

I’ve been a happy paying customer of GitHub since early 2009. But yesterday, for a few different reasons, I deleted all of my private repositories and moved them over to a self-hosted installation of GitLab. I didn’t make that decision lightly, as I’ve been very happy with GitHub for the last five years, but here’s why… First, I’ve started working…

Nostalgia – Rename Your Photos

Uncategorized Dec 31, 2013

I have a problem. Half of my photos come from my iPhone (via the Dropbox uploader), which creates filenames based on the date they were taken. But all the photos from my awesome DSLR are named BLAHBLAH7001.jpg and BLAHBLAH7002.jpg. That annoys me. I want all of my filenames to be date based so I can quickly sort them and find…


Uncategorized Oct 22, 2013

I’m a little obsessive about data collection and retention. I’ve written a number of times about all the different backup systems I have in place to protect my data. And over the last few years the amount of data I’m collecting about myself (and family) has continued to grow. We’re taking exponentially more photos, posting many more status updates, and…

Choosing the Right App

Uncategorized Oct 14, 2013

Just a quick reminder that occurred to me today. Always remember to use the appropriate tool. Don’t be afraid to split your data across multiple apps and inboxes when appropriate. For example, I store all of my action items and tasks in OmniFocus. But last night I remembered I needed to buy water at the grocery store in the morning…

Finding Related Messages in Apple Mail

Uncategorized Oct 07, 2013

After migrating my company’s email away from Gmail a few years ago, I’ve become firmly entrenched with Apple’s on the desktop. Everything works great, but I do miss having access to Rapportive’s Gmail extension. It’s great at providing extra information related to the person you’re emailing with. To make up for this lack of functionality, I’ve created a quick…


Uncategorized Apr 08, 2013

My Pebble arrived last week and I’ve been geeking out over it ever since. I’ve been thinking a lot about wearable tech the last few years and signed up immediately when Pebble was first announced last year. (I can’t wait to see what Apple can do in this space.) So with a full week of Pebble use under my belt,…