
Importing Jekyll Posts into WordPress

Uncategorized Mar 21, 2014

Nearly four years ago I switched my main site over to Jekyll. It’s been great. But late last year I decided to make that site and its blog purely about my software business and move all of my non-work posts over to my domain so I could have a personal site again. To encourage myself to write more, I built the site with WordPress so it would be easy to publish. That meant I needed a way to convert and import all of my old Jekyll Markdown posts into WordPress. I found a few scripts that exported WordPress into Jekyll, but not the other way around. So I hacked together my own script, which I’ve pasted below. Hopefully this will help anyone wanting to make the same transition.

The script takes a directory of Markdown posts in the following format, reads their header meta-data, and imports them into your WordPress database.

date: 2013-04-08 20:57:14
title: PebbleCam
layout: post
permalink: /blog/2013/04/pebblecam/index.html
slug: pebblecam
Post content...