
Day One Journal Total Word Count

Uncategorized Apr 15, 2014

After my previous post I got curious as to the total number of words I’ve written in Day One so far. A quick Google search didn’t turn up any obvious solutions, so here’s a short PHP script that gives you a total. Just pass it a path to your .dayone journal file at the command line like so

A Happy Side-effect of Journaling Every Day

Uncategorized Apr 15, 2014

Back in October I wrote a post about how I’ve adopted a routine of journaling what I’m currently working on throughout the day in addition to a final recap of the whole day each night before bed. My one year anniversary of starting my journal passed back in February with little fanfare. But looking at it now, I’ve logged 626…

Rockwell – Sort of like a private Foursquare meets Fire Eagle

Uncategorized Apr 14, 2014

Back in 2008, when I worked for Yahoo!, I had the good fortune of chatting with Tom Coates a few times about the now defunct Fire Eagle location brokerage service. Fire Eagle was my absolute favorite product to come out of Yahoo! during my time there. I’ve always been fascinated by real-time location data and sad that Fire Eagle’s intersection…

Minion for Mac

Uncategorized Apr 12, 2014

In case you missed it, I’ve been working on a new Mac app for the past month or so. I spent the last few days polishing things and getting it into an MVP state – not quite as full featured as I’d like, but complete enough that I felt comfortable sharing with the world. So, yesterday evening I launched Minion….

The Thrill

Uncategorized Apr 06, 2014

Yesterday, Daniel Jalkut tweeted The only things better than shipping an app are the thankless months of hard work that go into making it halfway presentable. Yep, it’s fun. — Daniel Jalkut (@danielpunkass) April 4, 2014 That’s an apt way of describing the strange mix of joy and awe programmers feel when, after hours, days, maybe even weeks or months…

Pricing a New Mac App Without Competition

Uncategorized Apr 03, 2014

A few weeks ago, I started working on a new Mac app called Minion. It’s nothing too big or complicated – just a quick project that I hope will be useful to Mac power users. My goal was to build the app and the accompanying web service in under six weeks. With two weeks until my self-imposed deadline, I’m well…

One Concrete Action

Uncategorized Apr 03, 2014

Never underestimate how crazy busy your life will become when you have kids. Our first son, born this past New Year’s Eve, hit us like a ton of bricks. Taking care of him, on top of a day job, has meant my side business has taken a backseat at times. Nonetheless, since he’s been born I’ve managed to launch a…

iCloud Doesn’t Backup Your Photos

Uncategorized Apr 02, 2014

I had a conversation yesterday with two friends. Neither one is technical at a developer level, but both are long-time Mac and iPhone users. They know their way around the platform. My first friend, we’ll call him Ted, said he was having trouble with his iPhone. His photos and videos had grown to take up nearly 10GB of storage space….

Printing and Mailing Photos to Your Grandparents

Uncategorized Apr 01, 2014

We have a three month old kid. That means we take a lot of photos. I’ve done the math, and in the last three months we’ve taken 1,202 photos of him. As I’ll write about in my upcoming book on Dropbox photography, all of those photos are stored and sorted in a shared Dropbox folder that both my wife and…

Dealing with Asshole Customers

Uncategorized Mar 31, 2014

I’ve always taken great pains to be exceedingly fair, responsive, and back-bending in the way I interact with my customers. I firmly believe it’s best for business long-term if you always give your customer the benefit of the doubt and treat them as you’d want to be treated. But recently, for reasons I don’t understand, I’ve been getting email after…