
Lowering the Project Threshold

Uncategorized Jan 08, 2015

One part of GTD and OmniFocus that I’ve always struggled with is the idea that any action that requires more than one step is actually a project. It sounds simple, and I agree with that definition in theory, but I’ve never followed through in practice. My OmniFocus project list has always been relatively sparse – really just containing my three…

Even Panic is Having Trouble Making Money on iOS

Uncategorized Jan 05, 2015

(I hope the title of this post doesn’t misrepresent what Cabel wrote.) The 2014 Panic Report is a wonderfully candid look into Panic’s successes and struggles throughout 2014. Continuing in line with the trend of small developers finding it difficult to make money on iOS is this nugget… Wow! 51% of our unit sales came from iOS apps! That’s great!…

Benefits of Selling Outside the Mac App Store

Uncategorized Jan 02, 2015

Dan Counsell, founder of Realmac Software with an up-front and insightful post about the benefits of selling your software outside the Mac App Store. Imagine if your app made $30,000 in the first month it launched. That’s great, apart from the fact that you have to give Apple $9,000 of that. Is the service they provide really worth that much?…

2014 Business Yearly Review

Uncategorized Dec 29, 2014

Inspired by this article on doing a year-end review of your indie business, I took a few minutes and calculated some stats and compiled my major accomplishments from 2014. The result was eye-opening and made me feel more than a little bit proud. I’ve made a conscious effort to be more transparent about my business dealings this year because I…

My Inboxes

Uncategorized Dec 29, 2014

I’m not one of those people who feels busy all the time. I typically never feel overwhelmed no matter how much is on my plate. But I know and have worked with lots of people who always seem to be in a hurry and are frazzled trying to remember all the tasks in front of them. I’ve never been able…

That Connection

Uncategorized Dec 17, 2014

I don’t code every day. Even when my only job was running my little company, I never had enough work in the pipeline to keep me busy in Xcode five days a week. The actual programming part of my job comes in fits and spurts as I work on new features and bug fixes. The only area of running my…

More App Rejections

Uncategorized Dec 09, 2014

From Cromulent Labs, whose app launching widget was initially approved by Apple and then removed from the App Store: But this time I decided to make a more concerted effort, start a company, and see if I could make some app (or apps) that could simply keep me employed and pay the bills….As with any iOS app, there was a…

Writing Without Editing

Uncategorized Dec 04, 2014

Last year, December 30th to be precise, I had the idea to write and self-publish a book about Dropbox and digital photography. It would sum up and explain in detail everything I’ve learned about capturing, organizing, sharing, and protecting my photo library – centered around Dropbox. I went home that night and immediately dumped everything out of my mind into…

Being an Indie is Hard

Uncategorized Dec 01, 2014

Zach Waugh of Giant Comet and Flint fame writes: But even after I released Flint for iOS in late 2013, I was only making about half of what I would need to go full-time comfortably. Building apps by yourself is a grind, and I was starting to wear thin, so I decided to leave Giant Comet as a side-project. A…

36 Hours With Amazon Echo

Uncategorized Nov 30, 2014

For whatever reason, Amazon deemed me worthy of receiving an Echo last week. After laying down my $99 and a quick, overnight shipment, it was on my doorstep Friday afternoon. And now, after giving it a whirl for thirty-six hours, I thought I’d write up my initial observations. First of all, it’s bigger than I expected. When I first got…