
Knowing When to Quit

Uncategorized Nov 24, 2014

I hate using the word “quit”. Because it’s not quitting. It’s not even “giving up”. Today, the prolific Manton Reece wrote a blog post announcing that he is sunsetting his Twitter apps. This, after a recent announcement that Twitter’s (amazing!) new fully searchable tweet archives won’t be made available to third-party developers. Twitter’s fully-searchable index is an announcement I’ve been…

An Indie Mac Business – Breaking Down the Year

Uncategorized Nov 23, 2014

Back in July, for reasons outlined in these two posts, I wrote about the financials of my indie Mac software business. With the year coming to a close, and with the prodding of a few friends, I thought I’d share where the money from my total yearly sales actually goes. First, the big numbers. If you read my original post…

Twelve Hours

Uncategorized Nov 22, 2014

A few months ago I wrote about how I’ve spent my software career constantly building new ideas and putting them out into the world to see what sticks. It’s scary as hell to release a new product into the world – never knowing how it will be received. But that’s the modus operandi for how I’ve built up the moderate…

Handling Repeating Tasks and Routines in OmniFocus

Uncategorized Nov 21, 2014

After reading my last post about my OmniFocus setup, Evan Lovely asked Could you talk more about your Routines? What’s in there? Does anything repeat? Do you set defer or due dates on them? He’s referring to a Single-Action List I have inside my “Personal” folder called “Routines”. Inside this project are actions and checklists that repeat on a regular…

My Checklist For Releasing a New Mac App

Uncategorized Nov 10, 2014

In my previous post about how I use OmniFocus, I made reference to an on-hold project template called “New App Release”. Anytime I release an update to one of my Mac apps, I follow this checklist. In case it’s useful to other developers, here’s what it contains… Thanks to Tony Arnold for prompting me to post this checklist.

My Evernote @Inbox

Uncategorized Nov 08, 2014

The best Evernote realization I ever had was to create an Evernote notebook called “@Inbox” and make it your Default Notebook. (The @ in front of the name ensures it will be sorted to the top of your notebook list.) From then on, you can quickly save notes and web pages into your Inbox notebook and move on with your…

My OmniFocus Habits – Four Years Later

Favorites, Uncategorized Nov 04, 2014

I’ve been using OmniFocus since the Kinkless days. Over those many years, my life has changed in countless ways, and with it, so has the way I use OmniFocus. Perhaps the best compliment I can give the app, is that it’s always managed to be exactly what I needed it to be at any given moment. Four years ago, I…

Delegating Tasks and Outsourcing Your Indie Business

Uncategorized Oct 27, 2014

A few weeks ago there was some discussion online about hiring virtual personal assistants to help offload non-essential business tasks. Around that same time a Twitter user messaged me (and quite a few other indie devs) asking what sort of business tasks we would consider outsourcing. I’m pretty sure this industrious @replier was just looking for job leads, but it…


Uncategorized Oct 13, 2014

I often find that constraints, real or artificial, can be a huge motivation and productivity boost when I find myself stalled on a project or piece of work. Forcing yourself to work within a specific limitation can cause you to find a creative solution in a direction you might otherwise never consider. In my own work, I find time constraints…

Paul Kim on His Indie Journey

Uncategorized Oct 06, 2014

I want to give a big thumbs up and a hug to everything in this fabulous post by Paul Kim. I missed it back in August when this discussion was initially happening but came across it on Gus’s blog this morning. Paul writes about his expectations starting out with Hazel and what he’s discovered looking back on his success. This…