
Permission to Forget

Uncategorized Jan 03, 2018

I think it was David Allen who said you can do anything you want, but you can’t do everything you want. It’s ironic how an attempt to do everything will actually keep you from doing anything. —Shawn Blanc A few weeks ago, I tweeted that I had reached “OmniFocus Zero”. I pulled up my available tasks one morning only to…


Uncategorized Jan 02, 2018

I’ve always been fascinated with geo technologies and location based services. When I worked for Yahoo!, I was always bugging Tom Coates and Gary Gale about all things geo – including the sadly ahead of its time FireEagle web service. Anyway, for the last two years I’ve been tinkering off and on with an idea of my own – geohooks….

Moving to a More Comprehensive Weekly Review

Uncategorized Sep 26, 2017

Your weekly review is probably the key to keeping your trusted system running smoothly and most importantly out of your mind. For years, my review was little more than going through my list of projects every Sunday morning and making sure each was in an acceptable state. But after reading Kourosh Dini‘s wonderful book Creating Flow with OmniFocus, I’ve taken…

Can the Cloud Be Your Only Backup?

Uncategorized Aug 23, 2017

With the news today that CrashPlan is exiting the consumer market, many folks are beginning to scramble looking for the next best backup solution. I can tell you right away that’s BackBlaze. It’s simple to setup, costs only $5/month/computer, and has the best-behaved-Mac-like software of any of the major backup providers. Download it, install it, you’re done. So, why wasn’t…

Creating a Daily Standup Perspective With OmniFocus

Uncategorized Dec 01, 2016

Like many of you in the software industry, every morning at 10am my team has a standup meeting. It’s meant to be a quick five minute meeting where everyone says what they accomplished yesterday, what they’re planning on doing today, and if anything is blocking them from moving forward. If done correctly, it’s a super-fast way to stay in the…

A Stupid Idea?

Uncategorized Jul 04, 2016

I have a stupid idea. Bear with me… Apple’s new MacBook Pro is rumored to be updated later this year with the function keys replaced with a tappable OLED display. The idea being this display could change based on the app you’re using. But what if it wasn’t just the function keys. What if the whole keyboard was one big…

Making Money Outside the Mac App Store

Uncategorized Feb 01, 2016

One of the themes of this blog is how I make money selling my own Mac apps on my website rather than through the Mac App Store. I truly believe it’s the best way to go if you’re serious about earning a living. That said, not everyone has time to write their own backend sales platform like I did. For…

Coding on My iPad Pro

Uncategorized Jan 19, 2016

Last month, my 9-5 job was kind enough to gift me an iPad Pro and its new keyboard. I’ve had a few iPads in the past, but they’ve always ended up stashed away, unused, in a drawer somewhere. I simply never got hooked on their utility. I never found that killer app, which, for me, would be the ability to…

Wrapping up 2015

Uncategorized Dec 16, 2015

Last year, I wrote about my final sales numbers for 2014. Now that 2015 is wrapping up, it’s time to do the same. I had very high expectations going into 2015. I released Hobo right at the start of the new year and planned a major update to VirtualHostX for the Fall. With both of those in place, plus a…

Switching Email Providers

Uncategorized Nov 28, 2015

Earlier this year I switched (after 11 years) away from Gmail to an email address at my own domain hosted by FastMail. I didn’t make this decision lightly. I knew changing email addresses could uproot my very online identity. But I was tired of the new direction Gmail’s interface was heading, and I also worried about the horror stories you…