

Two Weeks With Drobo

Uncategorized May 18, 2008

So it’s been two weeks since my Drobo arrived from Amazon. I’m sure they’re selling like hotcakes, but I don’t personally know anyone else with one β€” I figured I might as well gather my thoughts and post a review. Hopefully this will give a good overview if you’re not already familiar with the device. If you are, I’ll be…

Using Amazon S3 as a Content Delivery Network

Uncategorized May 09, 2008

[Update: You might also be interested in s3up for storing static content in Amazon S3.] Earlier this week I posted about my experience redesigning this site, focusing on optimizing my page load times using YSlow. A large part of that process involved storing static content (images, stylesheets, JavaScript) on Amazon S3 and using it like a poor man’s content delivery…

Building a Better Website With Yahoo!

Uncategorized May 06, 2008

It’s been a long time coming, but I finally pushed out a new design for this website last month. I rebuilt it from the ground up using two key tools from the Yahoo! Developer Network: The new design is really a refresh of the previous look with a focus on readability and speed. I want to take a few minutes…

Dark City Director’s Cut

Uncategorized Apr 29, 2008

One of the best movies ever made just got even better. The original 1998 release ran 96 minutes and the new director’s cut is about 15 minutes longer, clocking in at 111 minutes. The new cut supposedly has improved special effects and a new and improved sound mix . . . the new release also features two additional commentary tracks….

Mercury Mover

Uncategorized Apr 28, 2008

MercuryMover is a System Preference pane that lets you move and resize windows using only the keyboard. Awesome. Add that to an already lethal TextMate + Quicksilver combination, and I’m inching closer to my dream of unplugging my mouse forever. β€”via MacOSXHints

Holy Crap! Mint Plugin

Uncategorized Apr 26, 2008

Here’s a quick Pepper plugin called Holy Crap! I wrote for Shaun Inman’s Mint software. The idea is simple: it sends you an email alert whenever it detects your site has become popular on, Digg, etc. Think of it as an early warning system. It’s easy to add your own warnings to the Pepper. Out of the box it…

Bank of America RSS Feeds

Uncategorized Apr 07, 2008

Bank of America has a great online banking system. It’s why I switched to them three years ago. I’ve often wanted them to provide an RSS feed of recent transactions on my account β€” I’ve emailed them multiple times, but no such luck. So, today I finally got around to doing what I always do β€” I wrote a script…

Managing Exchange Invites in Apple’s iCal

Uncategorized Feb 19, 2008

For better or worse, most of my coworkers live and die by their Exchange calendars. Unfortunately, as a developer working on a Mac 24/7, there aren’t many options for dealing with the barrage of Outlook invites I receive each day. I can either use Entourage which only kinda-sorta-works, or I can just deal with it and transcribe each invite manually…

Microsoft and Yahoo! – My Take

Uncategorized Feb 01, 2008

A favorite theory among tech pundits is that the company that will eventually dethrone Google doesn’t exist yet. Rather, it’ll be the brainchild of former Googlers who quit when their current job becomes boring or their stock options vest. Imagine a mass exodus – hundreds of very rich, very smart engineers with nothing but free time and creativity on their…