“…not worthy of your love.”

Brent has a post today similar in spirit to my own but much more eloquently written. Just like the sixth finger in an AI-rendered hand, Apple’s policies for Distributing apps in the U.S. that provide an external purchase link are startlingly graceless and a jarring, but not surprising, reminder that Apple is not a real person and … Read more

Modern-day Apple

I don’t have anything to say about Apple’s new guidelines for external purchase links on the App Store that smarter people than me aren’t already saying. It’s exactly what we all knew Apple would do.

What I do want to comment on is the juxtaposition of the two most recent posts on Daring Fireball tonight.


If your mouse were a tyrannosaurus rex, it would eat your face off before you could find it across multiple monitors.

Do good. Get even more apps.

Last year when I rebooted my little software company, one change I made was “Do Good. Get Apps” – which means, instead of buying my products, you can make a donation to one of nine nonprofit organizations, and I’ll send you a free license for the app of your choice. Starting today, I’m choosing a … Read more

Straight out of 2003

This post is way off-topic, but I hope you won’t mind a quick story about 90s boy bands and eighteen-year-old websites. In high school, my little sister was a rabid *NSYNC fan. Posters covering every square inch of her bedroom – my mom driving her from one end of the state to the other for … Read more

Half-assed Followup

I never know when it’s better blogging etiquette to update a published post with new information or to publish a followup post instead. But given the chance to use “Half-assed” in two consecutive article titles, I think the prudent choice is to seize that opportunity. After I posted “Half-assed Mac Apps” a few days ago … Read more

Half-assed Mac Apps

This week, Riccardo Mori published a piece about the recent perceived decline in Mac software titled “A brief reflection on Mac software stagnation”.

I was going to reply with a quick tweet-sized comment. But those 280 characters turned into a few tweets, then a full-on Twitter thread, and then – ah, shit – I really should write about this properly.

So here we are this evening. I want to present my short thesis answering Riccardo’s question of why so many Mac Catalyst apps are, at best, Half-assed Mac Apps.