
Fixing Broken Backblaze B2 Scripts when Run From cron

Uncategorized Apr 22, 2019

Just a quick note for my future self and anyone else who might be running into this problem. Last week I migrated all of my backups off of Amazon S3 and to Backblaze B2. The cost savings are enormous – especially for a small business like myself. And the server-to-server transfer speeds using their b2 Python script, while not…

A Faster Way to Create Multiple Tasks in OmniFocus (with all sorts of details!) Using

Favorites, Uncategorized Apr 20, 2019

Following-up on my previous post about using Drafts to create new GitHub issues, here’s another action I built and use all the time. This allows you to create multiple tasks in OmniFocus with defer dates, due dates, and tags in one step. It does this by parsing a compact, easy-to-write syntax that I’ve adopted from other OmniFocus actions and tweaked…

Creating New GitHub Issues From

Uncategorized Apr 20, 2019

After last week’s post about how to create a GitHub issue with image attachments from an email, I thought I’d try and speed up how quickly / easily I’m able to create new issues that don’t come from customer emails – i.e., the ones that just randomly occur to me. Drafts is my preferred way of capturing text and ideas…

Fixing a Broken Service With a Tiny Bit of Automation

Favorites, Uncategorized Mar 29, 2019

This post is a nice, unintentional follow-up to yesterday’s one about backing up all of my family’s photos and home videos. Anyway… My kids go to a fantastic daycare. My wife and I couldn’t be happier. The teachers are wonderful, they love our children, and our kids adore them, too. But, the third-party service the school uses to communicate with…

Backing Up Everything (Again)

Uncategorized Mar 27, 2019

This will take a while. Bear with me. I’m obsessive about backing up my data. I don’t want to take the chance of ever losing anything important. But that doesn’t mean I’m a data hoarder. I like to think I’m pragmatic about it. And I don’t trust anyone else to do it for me. From around 2006 to 2012, I…

A Simple, Open-Source URL Shortener

Uncategorized Mar 21, 2019

tl;dr One evening last week, I built pretty much the simplest URL shortening service possible. It’s simple, fast, opinionated, keeps track of click-thru stats, and does everything I need. It’s all self-contained in a single PHP script (and .htaccess file). No dependencies, no frameworks to install, etc. Just upload the file to your web server and you’re done. Maybe you’ll…

Moving Projects Forward

Uncategorized Feb 15, 2018

One of my favorite benefits of following a GTD workflow is that it eliminates a lot of the decision making for you. When it’s time to get work done, just fire up your task manager of choice, switch to your list of available next actions, and pick one. Having defined, physical next actions for each of your projects is the…

Switching to Google Photos from a Dropbox Photo Library

Uncategorized Jan 04, 2018

Five years ago I went all-in and migrated my ancient iPhoto library to generic files and folders on disk inside of Dropbox. I wanted something I could access from anywhere, and – perhaps more importantly – was future-proof. I liked this solution so much I started writing a book about it and even made an iPhone app to help me…