Sync Your Adium Chat Logs With Dropbox

Here’s a handy trick that will let you sync your Adium chat logs across multiple Macs using Dropbox. From a command line, cd into your Dropbox folder and then That will create a symlink from your Dropbox folder to your Adium log directory. When syncing, Dropbox will follow this link and process your chat logs … Read more

Use Rapache to Manage Virtual Hosts on Ubuntu

For people who like the idea of VirtualHostX but want to setup virtual hosts on Ubuntu rather than Mac OS X, Stefano Forenza has created the Rapache project. Like VHX, Rapache is a GUI to manage Apache virtual hosts. With just a few clicks you can create a new host and the appropriate DNS settings … Read more

Forward Your Growl Notifications to Twitter

I’ve got three Macs that I regularly use. One at work, a laptop for personal use, and a Mac Mini connected to our living room TV. I use Growl on all three — it’s so ingrained in my workflow (IM notifications, new emails, background tasks) that I often forget it’s not a part of OS … Read more

Amazon S3 Improvements in PHP-AWS

Two and a half years ago I began working with Amazon Web Services — first with S3 and then SQS and EC2. The code was eventually cleaned up and released as an open source project called PHP-AWS. Since then, it has remained relatively unchanged. Just bug fixes and the occasional support for new AWS features … Read more

Parse Command Line Arguments in PHP

This afternoon I needed an easy way to upload files to Amazon S3 and set specific headers on them. I’ve built one-off scripts like this in the past, but this time I wanted to generalize the problem into a reusable shell command. I pulled in some code from PHP-AWS and got it working fairly quickly. … Read more

How to Stream Your iTunes Music Over the Internet

Update: Want to stream your iTunes music over the internet? Try Highwire! It streams your iTunes library and a whole lot more 🙂 I keep all of my iTunes music stored on a Drobo attached to an Airport at home. This frees up valuable space on my laptop and lets me listen to it via … Read more

Too Soon

I think everyone has a core group of artists they grew up listening to — that made an indelible mark on their lives. LeRoi Moore was one of mine.

Dial a Phone Number Using Grand Central and PHP

If you’re lucky enough to have a Grand Central account, here’s a quick PHP class that will login to your account and dial a phone number. This is probably one of the more random bits of code I’ve ever written, but I think it’s useful. And that’s it. Grand Central will call $yournumber and connect … Read more

Let Google Do The Work For You

One of the major challenges in web scraping is figuring out which page to scrape in the first place. Here’s a scenario: Say you need to pull some information for the film 30 Days of Night off IMDB. It would be great if you knew in advance what the URL was — something you could … Read more