Syncing Your Adium Chat Logs into Dropbox (again)

Two years ago I posted some quick instructions on how I keep my Adium chat logs synced between Macs using Dropbox. I’ve tweaked my setup slightly since then. Here’s my new approach. First, if you already have Adium on multiple machines, copy all your logs over to a single Mac. You can merge the folders … Read more

Unsupported Architecture When Submitting to Mac App Store

For any Mac developers out there who are seeing the following rejection notice when submitting to the Mac App Store: Unsupported Architecture – Application executables may support either or both of the Intel architectures Make sure you verify that any included frameworks are Intel only. You can do this using the lipo command: If the … Read more

Search Mac and iOS Documentation From Chrome’s Omnibox

Earlier this week, the Chromium Blog announced an official extension API for Chrome’s omnibox (search bar). I’ve always loved keyboard driven interfaces — the command line, [Quicksilver](, Alfred, etc — so, I immediately started thinking about what I could build with it. My first idea was a documentation browser for Apple’s Mac and iOS libraries. … Read more

Sosumi for Mac – Find Your iPhone From Your Deskop

Every holiday, between the food and family, I always seem to find time for a quick project. Last year I built the first version of Nottingham over the Thanksgiving break. This year was no exception, and I found myself putting the final touches on Sosumi for Mac after an eighteen hour coding streak this weekend. … Read more

Backblaze Saves the Day

Back in June I wrote a detailed post describing how I backup my data. One of the key components of my backup strategy was using Backblaze for continuous, offsite recovery in the event of a disaster. Well, disaster struck. Last week, the hard drive in my father’s MacBook died. In the past, I’d setup a … Read more

How I Use OmniFocus to Organize My Life

I’ve noticed a resurgence on the web of people talking about OmniFocus and how they use the app to manage their task lists. Despite being a user for nearly three years — since the first public beta — for some reason I’ve never gotten around to writing about why I find it so useful and … Read more

Generating Strong, User Friendly Passwords in PHP

For an upcoming project, I needed a quick PHP function that would generate strong passwords. It’s an easy problem on the surface, but it has some quirky nuances that appear if you spend any length of time thinking about it. For example, it’s not enough to merely pick characters at random — you have to … Read more

How I Backup my Mac

Four years ago, on another blog, I wrote about my file backup strategy — everything I use to keep my data safe. A lot has changed since then. CD’s and DVD’s have fallen by the wayside, raw hard disk space has gotten insanely cheap, and online storage has finally taken off in a big way. … Read more

Open Source Updates

On this lazy Sunday afternoon I thought I’d take the opportunity to mention a few open source projects I’ve recently updated. GitHub makes sharing code so ridiculously easy, it’s a shame not to call attention to it occasionally in case other people might find something useful. Sosumi 2.0 First up is Sosumi 2.0. Last year, … Read more