
Must, Will, Might

Uncategorized Aug 24, 2015

Last month I came across a clever post about using just two GTD contexts by Matt Henderson (by way of SimplicityBliss). Like many of us, he’s experimented with lots of different ways of managing contexts. There’s the traditionalist approach where your contexts mimic the tools or location available to you: home, work, Mac, phone, etc. Then there’s Sven’s more modern…

No Phone Thursdays

Uncategorized Aug 24, 2015

One experiment I’ve been trying for the last two months is taking twenty-four hours each week to be entirely phone free. My goal is to give myself time back to focus on things that matter – rather than living in a half-distracted state all the time. I’ve chosen Thursdays. Anecdotally, it seems to be the day I receive the least…

My New Email Routine With SaneBox

Uncategorized Aug 09, 2015

I’ve written before about cutting back on notifications. Today I want to talk a bit about how I’m using a paid service called SaneBox to reduce unwanted email notifications even further. I initially found out about SaneBox six months ago from David Sparks. His enthusiastic recommendation was enough to get me to give the service a close look, but I…

Connecting Amazon Alexa’s Todo’s with OmniFocus

Uncategorized Aug 01, 2015

Last week Amazon Alexa and IFTTT hooked up in a big way. They now have triggers that allow you to do things whenever you add an item to your Alexa to-do or shopping lists. This is awesome because now those items don’t have to live within Amazon’s ecosystem. With a little IFTTT tinkering you can quite easily have them shuttled…

Duplicate Tasks

Uncategorized Mar 18, 2015

I put everything into OmniFocus – my trusted system. Throughout the day I’m constantly hitting my OmniFocus keyboard shortcut to add whatever task just occurred to me to my inbox. It’s quick, painless, and lets me stay focused on my work without breaking my train of thought. Later in the day, I’ll process my inbox and assign those tasks to…

Where do External Triggers Belong?

Uncategorized Jan 23, 2015

The great thing about blogging vs a shorter medium like Twitter, is you can have actual, in-depth conversations. There’s nothing better than someone replying to a post you wrote with one of their own. So here’s one… Last week I wrote about External Triggers in OmniFocus. Sven Fechner of SimplicityBliss picked up my post add added his own thoughts. He…

I Will Not Use the Phrase “Growth Hacking”

Uncategorized Jan 22, 2015

But I will call it marketing. It’s always something that I’ve been interested in, but it’s also something I’ve always put off until “I have more time”. Well, that time is now. I spent two days in December and did a thorough review of my little software business. The obvious take away is that 90% of my revenue comes from…

Creating a Weekly Preview from your Weekly Review

Uncategorized Jan 14, 2015

I’ve long felt that the two most important aspects of following GTD are having an inbox where you can quickly record any task that occurs to you and then the regularly scheduled review that keeps your system on track and up to date with your priorities. For me, the weekly review has always been the key component. It’s what keeps…

External Triggers in OmniFocus

Uncategorized Jan 12, 2015

In OmniFocus, and in other GTD systems I’m sure, there is the concept of a sequential project. A sequential project is any task with two or more steps that have to happen in a specific order. You can’t move on to the next step until you’ve completed the first step. An example that’s currently on my plate is a project…