
January 2008

Uncov Nails It

Uncategorized Jan 16, 2008

Uncov is good. But sometimes they’re great. The proliferation of stupid is the cancer that is killing the internet. In the quest to re-implement every conceivable desktop application in Ajax, you mental midgets are setting computing back 10 years. The worst part about it is, you think that you’re innovating.

Lost’s Buried Treasures

Uncategorized Jan 16, 2008

For seven years I ran the largest Stephen King site on the net. When I sold itin 2005 I thought I put that world behind me for good. I had a final article printed in Lighthouse Magazine and moved on. But, like most things, it has a way of creeping back into my life. I had the good fortune of…

How To Install PEAR in Mac OS X Leopard

Uncategorized Jan 02, 2008

Unlike previous version of OS X, Leopard doesn’t come with PHP’s PEAR repository installed by default. Luckily, installing is quick and painless. From a command line: Just press enter to select all the default choices except for the installation directory. For that, use /usr/local. (Thanks, Steve.) Next we need to modify our php.ini file to include the new PEAR files:…