
March 2014

Dealing with Asshole Customers

Uncategorized Mar 31, 2014

I’ve always taken great pains to be exceedingly fair, responsive, and back-bending in the way I interact with my customers. I firmly believe it’s best for business long-term if you always give your customer the benefit of the doubt and treat them as you’d want to be treated. But recently, for reasons I don’t understand, I’ve been getting email after…

My Favorite Chair

Uncategorized Mar 28, 2014

I’m a bit of a snob. I don’t just like nice things, I like the best things. That’s not to say I spend extravagantly or throw my money around, it’s just that when presented with buying a good product or saving my money a little longer and buying a better constructed, great product, I’ll usually pick the great product. It’s…

Importing Jekyll Posts into WordPress

Uncategorized Mar 21, 2014

Nearly four years ago I switched my main site over to Jekyll. It’s been great. But late last year I decided to make that site and its blog purely about my software business and move all of my non-work posts over to my domain so I could have a personal site again. To encourage myself to write more, I…

Switching from GitHub to GitLab

Uncategorized Mar 19, 2014

I’ve been a happy paying customer of GitHub since early 2009. But yesterday, for a few different reasons, I deleted all of my private repositories and moved them over to a self-hosted installation of GitLab. I didn’t make that decision lightly, as I’ve been very happy with GitHub for the last five years, but here’s why… First, I’ve started working…