
April 2011

Syncing Your Adium Chat Logs into Dropbox (again)

Uncategorized Apr 20, 2011

Two years ago I posted some quick instructions on how I keep my Adium chat logs synced between Macs using Dropbox. I’ve tweaked my setup slightly since then. Here’s my new approach. First, if you already have Adium on multiple machines, copy all your logs over to a single Mac. You can merge the folders easily with an app like…

Unsupported Architecture When Submitting to Mac App Store

Uncategorized Apr 18, 2011

For any Mac developers out there who are seeing the following rejection notice when submitting to the Mac App Store: Unsupported Architecture – Application executables may support either or both of the Intel architectures Make sure you verify that any included frameworks are Intel only. You can do this using the lipo command: If the output lists anything other than…