This post is way off-topic, but I hope you won’t mind a quick story about 90s boy bands and eighteen-year-old websites.
In high school, my little sister was a rabid *NSYNC fan. Posters covering every square inch of her bedroom – my mom driving her from one end of the state to the other for her first concert, etc.
More interesting, though, she took after her geeky older brother (👋) and built an *NSYNC fan website.
This wasn’t GeoCities or Myspace – she built and maintained it by hand on a shared web host with her own domain name.

Sadly, was last updated in 2004 and went bye, bye, bye entirely by 2005.
Or so she thought.
My sister’s birthday was this week, but I started planning for it months ago by bringing her old website back to life.
(Plus, a special birthday message from a very special guest.)
Thanks to the Internet Archive and the amazing Wayback Machine, I found and downloaded the last snapshot from her actual website as it looked in 2003 and recreated a few missing pieces by hand.
I re-registered her old domain name and uploaded everything to my web server. is back.
How’d it go? See for yourself.
Happy birthday, Kate.