I try to keep this blog on topic. That being the business side of software development, or productivity, or the various ways I try to bend macOS to fit my odd workflows, or just griping about technology in general. My assumption is I’ve been writing about those topics here for thirteen years, and those of you kind enough to spend a few minutes with me every week keep coming back because they overlap your interests, too.
So, I do my best to keep other topics at bay – especially ones concerning the world outside our tech bubble. But at the same time, writing has always been therapeutic for me. It helps me organize my thoughts and stay centered. For the three or four hours I spend writing each week, the familiar pattern of brainstorm → write → edit → post → react lets me escape.
And we could all use an escape right now.
I’ve been working on a much larger piece recently. My working title for it is American Virus. It’s my take on the events shaping our new world in 2020, and why my country is attempting to out-America itself like never before. How my family is coping. How I see my friends (from a distance) dealing with life. And how technology blends into everything.
I don’t know if I’ll ever finish writing it or ever even post it. It just seems to get longer and longer each day as I think of more and more to add and document about this time period.
I think the most important thing is that I am writing. Number one, it’s good for me. And, number two, I think we should all be documenting our shared experiences. At some point in the future, it will be over – in one way or another.
And when the other side is reached, I hope we can look back on the things we did and how we were feeling in this moment and learn from that.
And so with no real conclusion in mind for a post that doesn’t really fit with the things I normally write about, I’ll just leave you with a link to the place where I do go to to write about stuff not made of ones and zeroes.
Stay safe, and be kind.