
January 2009

Download All of Your Flickr Photos and Sets

Uncategorized Jan 28, 2009

iLife ’09 was released today. And with it came a much improved version of iPhoto with facial recognition, geotagging, and Flickr and Facebook support. With so many new ways to slice and dice my photos, I wanted to start over with a clean slate and get everything organized in iPhoto before re-exporting my library back to Flickr or wherever. Before…

Sync Your Adium Chat Logs With Dropbox

Uncategorized Jan 24, 2009

Here’s a handy trick that will let you sync your Adium chat logs across multiple Macs using Dropbox. From a command line, cd into your Dropbox folder and then That will create a symlink from your Dropbox folder to your Adium log directory. When syncing, Dropbox will follow this link and process your chat logs as if they were stored…

Use Rapache to Manage Virtual Hosts on Ubuntu

Uncategorized Jan 14, 2009

For people who like the idea of VirtualHostX but want to setup virtual hosts on Ubuntu rather than Mac OS X, Stefano Forenza has created the Rapache project. Like VHX, Rapache is a GUI to manage Apache virtual hosts. With just a few clicks you can create a new host and the appropriate DNS settings for local development. Rapache Project

Forward Your Growl Notifications to Twitter

Uncategorized Jan 05, 2009

I’ve got three Macs that I regularly use. One at work, a laptop for personal use, and a Mac Mini connected to our living room TV. I use Growl on all three — it’s so ingrained in my workflow (IM notifications, new emails, background tasks) that I often forget it’s not a part of OS X. Keeping track of notifications…